Nolalu Fire & Ambulence: 807-473-5200
Ontario Provincial Police: 1-888-310-1122
For information during an emergency for Nolalu area, Call: 807-475-4441
For road information call: 511
Our mission is to serve Nolalu and the surrounding Townships by offering fire prevention, emergency first response, rescue and fire suppression. We aim to protect life, safety and property by offering a professional, and effective team of fire fighters dedicated to this mission.
As a fire department we operate under the Northern Fire Protection Program (NFPP) offered through the Ontario Fire Marshals Office (OFMEM).
Services Include:
- exterior fire fighting
- wildland fire fighting
- medical first response
- MVC response and extrication
- emergency management (ie floods)
- service assist program (details and form below)
We contract with the Ontario Fire Marshall and Emergency Management (OFMEM) Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and Superior North Emergency Medical Service (SNEMS).
You're community needs your help. NEST is always looking for volunteers.
Training nights are Tuesday evenings at the fire hall come and meet the team and consider helping your community by becoming a volunteer fire fighter and first response member.
MNRF Burning Rules (pdf)
DownloadReport a Forest Fire (pdf)
DownloadAnglers Shore Lunch Fact Sheet (pdf)
DownloadCamping in a Restricted Fire Zone fact sheet (pdf)
DownloadCleaning your Property Fact Sheet (pdf)
DownloadFireworks Fact Sheet (pdf)
DownloadBuild a safe Campfire Fact Sheet (pdf)
DownloadRestricted Fire Zone Fact Sheet (pdf)
DownloadThis is a program offered by NEST to assist with smoke alarms - installation/purchase/changing/etc. NEST will also check on residents in the event of evacuation or extended power outage. Forms can be completed and emailed to or dropped in the black mailbox beside the door of the firehall located near Hoppers' store
Assist Program Registration - fillable (pdf)